Azione_Improvvisa Ensemble

Azione_Improvvisa has been active since 2017 with concerts, workshops and installations. The ensemble’s extremely unusual line-up is focused on the exploration of new sound identities within the context of contemporary music, connecting different musical approaches and experiences in a synergic contribution between different ages instruments.
Many composers have written for Azione_Improvvisa, above all Marco Momi, Lula Romero, Giorgio Colombo Taccani, Stefano Alessandretti, Andrea Valle, Farzia Fallah, Zeno Baldi, Maurizio Azzan, Alberto Carretero.
In March 2020 Azione_Improvvisa has been supported by the Grant-in-Aids by Ernst von Siemens Stiftung.

Azione_Improvvisa is composed of Margherita Berlanda (fisarmonica), Andrea Antonel (tiorba), Pierpaolo Dinapoli (chitarra elettrica), Daniela Fantechi (elettronica).

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